Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Debut

So, let's try this again. I started a blog a year ago and didn't get past the third post. This blog will be more focused and maybe longer-lived.

A confession: Food is one of the most important things in my life. Okay, it's behind my family, but way ahead of music or tv shows or sex (sorry, Kev). If I don't get to eat, I am one unhappy girl. And if I have to eat crappy food (read: fast food or frozen dinners), it is deeply unsatisfying. A friend from Oregon told me, "Life is too short for bad beer, bad coffee or bad wine." I would add that life is too short to eat pre-packaged heat and eat foods that taste only marginally better than the box it came out of.

A second confession: I work as a graphic designer. I have a husband and a 2 year old son. I have a dog and a cat. I have a house to clean and laundry to do and errands to run. I don't have time anymore to make my own tortillas or create multicourse meals that take hours to concoct.

So I try to find the right balance for me. It's important to me to put good, healthy meals (that taste good) on the table, but it's also important to sit on the floor and play with Ian, talk to my husband, and vacuum up the dog hair (at least occasionally.) So I'll talk about life, recipes, eating out, grocery shopping, and baking (I LOVE to bake.) If I like a recipe, I'll link to it. If I really hate something that I tried, I'll give you the heads up, so you can avoid it.

At least that's the idea. I keep hearing the quote: "no battle plan survives contact with the enemy" or something like that. We'll see how it goes. Stayed tuned...